Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gradle - Release Script on Jenkins

You just put the following this to the Execute shell of the Post Steps on Jenkins.

Also, you need to configure the following option on Jenkins.
Build > invoke Gradle script > Invoke Gradle Gradle Version >> Default
Build > invoke Gradle script > Tasks >> zip

Gradle - Sample build.gradle for Batch

This Gradle file is for batch.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013

MyDesign - This is a clock desging on the desk.

I designed the follow drawing when I worked the Industrial Design Company.

OS:Windows 97
Graphic Tool: Corel Draw

Why I was going to decide to enter the college for Industrial Design.
I had a reason. I will tell you why in this Session.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Java - Common Daemon in Java

@Download Commons Daemon
$ wget
$ tar xvf ./commons-daemon-1.0.15-src.tar.gz
@Change Directory
$ cd /usr/local/src/commons-daemon-1.0.15-src/src/native/unix
@You need to build the "configure" program with:
$ ./support/
@Set configuration and compile
$ ./configure --with-java=/usr/local/java
$ make
@Move jsvc to home of apps
$ mv /usr/local/src/commons-daemon-1.0.15-src/src/native/unix/jsvc /usr/local/app/

Link - Gradle

@Plug-in in Eclipse


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Troubleshooting - Vert.x

@The following error occurred in the Vert.x, it included the in the Lib.
The resolution is that you should use
nested exception is java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found interface, but class was expected